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Beastmoon Hunters Event Tips

Writer's picture: Blake DayshadeBlake Dayshade

Updated: Jun 15, 2020

Beastmoon Hunts are a fun new Event, Kings Isle & Wizard101 cycles usually the first week of each month. This guide gives you tips and tricks to help you get started.. Following quote Courtesy of KingsIsles Wizard101 website:

"The Beastmoon Hunt is a team-based, goal-oriented Event designed to bring Wizards together in a fun and friendly competitive event. Teams of 4-6 Wizards face each other in a classic contest of Domination. Each Team gains Points by defeating opponents and capturing and holding Battle Rings in the arena. The match ends when one team reaches 100 Points, or the timer expires.

In the Beastmoon Hunt Event, Wizards polymorph themselves into a variety of different Beast Forms, join a Team, and battle other Wizards in a match! Each Beast Form has a different set of Spells and Stats, making combat with each one unique. Also, like the Deckathalon, your Wizard level, stats, and items don’t affect this game mode, so everyone in the Spiral level 10 and up can be your opponents or allies!"

BEASTMOON HUNTERS DISCORD SERVER join us if you are a dedicated Beastmoon Event player & want to find teams all week.

Beastmoon Video Series, click through to Youtube and LIKE and SUB!

FIRST things 1st. Event Active.

Teleport to the Arena using Gamma's Icon, Click on the Teleport to Arena button on bottom left of the Beastmoon Event page. Look Closely at the Beast-form Upgrades Kiosk, determine the Beast you'll play with & study its Spells. This is where we Tier and Level upgrade relative to Deck.

~ Choose a secondary Beast, in case upon loading, someone has beaten you to your preferred Beast. With 2-3 Beasts on each form trying to get a non default form may be difficult if someone else grabs the primary form.

~ Examine the Spells of Beasts not chosen, know what they can do in order to card with them well. Pay Close attention to Utility of all Spells in Beastmoon your treasure card selection will change depending on your team make up. A Beast may work well with/against certain other Beasts. Know which. Does a utility affect traps or blades or dots/hots or shields, how do you fight against each Beast and with each? Check the help button in the event to learn about symbols. Also when facing different team configurations the same rule applies, treasure card choices matter, choose wisely.

~ NOTE : Only the defensive Beasts can Heal or Shield besides Fire Minotaur having a small Hot & Balance Fairy now, or any player picking up Treasure Cards from Battle Chests during matches.

~ Pay Close attention to Multiplayer Spells, Level available and Utility of them. When fighting you will thus predict attacks on everyone and play accordingly.

Upgrade 2 Beasts to 3rd Level ASAP.

L3 is really minimum level deck size for ease

Boost your main Beast/s to level 5

some find achieving two 5th level Beasts easy, others don't

Upgrade kiosk displays only 1st Lvl by default

Change Level Page to 5 to see the 5th Level Beasts Deck

Sandy Glimmerwing, note a bug, 1 spell is only in battle cards.

~ Sometimes our 2nd Beast is a stronger choice considering Team compositions, look at Teams make-up by pressing TAB before buying Treasure Cards from Vendor, if needed swap Beasts.


! Beasts begin with 6 Spells and Cap at 10 Spells !

~ Tier Unlocks a Beast & grants additional TCs ~

~ Tier does not change the TC vendors # of Cards option ~

Once at levels 5/3 save Lunari to unlock Tier 1 of chosen Beasts. Unlocking Tier requires a GOLD IDOL, Prizes in each event.

Upon unlocking Tier 1, save 1K Lunari for next event, begin @Lvl.5

Kings Isle varied the Locks on the Beasts each Event so be sure to unlock Beasts.

Many of the Beasts are behind Gold Idols, received only from Event Awards & $-Scroll-$ It is a good idea to also unlock Beasts on 2nd Wizards if seeking scroll prizes twice. Some non Tier 1 Capable Beasts are unlocked for Leveling and playable each event.

The object of a Match is to Earn Points for us & our Team. 100 Points Wins. AND to have fun learning how to play PVP a more fair way than the standard.

We earn points for Time & Battle Captures, owning multiple circles and Domination.

Domination is owning all the circles without contest. Points accrue until a fight starts. Fleeing also give points to either team respectively. Don't flee if you don't have to.


The 1st player plays, then the opponent facing them cards.

The 2nd player goes, then who faces them cards. and so on.

This Switches sides at the end of each Round.

A key factor in deciding who to hit/shield sometimes.

Hint: removing player 1 on the other team gains a team perma 1st turns.

Press Tab to see which Beasts are in play on both teams,

Tab tells you if they are fighting or free or missing altogether,

!!Face the other team on the correct size circle for the # of players

free on your team when part of your Team is already occupied!!

You start the fight either Red or Blue,

Your Team mates names & the base Teleporter are your color,

orient yourself while choosing Beast and remember there is a

little arrow helper always on screen pointing towards both Bases


Give the other Beasts a chance.

Don't stop at having just 2 favorite Beasts,

as the Hunt comes and goes, unlock each of the Beast forms,

get to know the whole Roster. Don't be caged in! The BEES!


Say "need help" if beginning a fight solo. for example.

Don't worry about saying where, chat now comes with location icons.

For people with no open chat there's Beastmoon menu chat(limited)

Please make a suggestion to K.I. for more Beastmoon Menu Chat options

~ Buying Time when you got into a fight. This is important. You were capturing and the other team caught you looking the other way, Cards are up, what to do? You have moments to type "help!". Now STALL. Make your move each turn on the 3 second mark. Buy your Team time to arrive.

Fleeing gives the other Team 2 Points & costs you any points you earned fighting.

Only Flee if you are needed elsewhere and it's not Crunch time.

Tell your Team not to join if it is too late for their help to matter.

This is tricky since sometimes a Beast late can still save you.

Ask if someone has a heal TC to at some point bring you back to life. Fleeing also costs you any points you earned fighting.


Immediately Stop time Capturing circles.

Press Tab and see which Beasts are not fighting,

Rally your Team and Defend only one or two key circles,

choose the most suitable for the number of players free.

Every unguarded circle turned to your teams color

if left unguarded, may be turned back to the other Team.

A Match can be turned around this way.

*If your 6 player Team has lost MORE THAN 1 Player*

It can be very hard to win or have fun with 2+ players missing, ask your team if they wish to throw the match due to lost players.

Enter fights and flee from them to quickly get it over.

If your team wishes to try, choose fights carefully, get everyone involved.

The other Team can not hear you. Chat is Team only.

Actaeon is our Beastmoon Recipe Vendor

I bought the Element Moon Seed and the Fire Moon Seed to unlock Fire Minotaur levels.

Buy 1st Element or Spirit, later Seeds of the School of your Beasts, after leveling up far as possible.

~ Battle Coins are collected from Chests found in the Arena however they can also be harvested from Beastmoon Plants. Use Battle Coins each Match to purchase Treasure Cards from Base Vendor, figure what you'll need referring to the opponents Team in Tab.

Treasure Cards found in Battle Chests

  • Beastmoon Blessing (Life): Heal 50 health(revive)

  • Beastmoon Pixie (Life): Heal 75 health over 3 rounds(no revive) *a trick is using the pixie followed by the blessing

  • Beastmoon Burn (Fire): Deal 75 Fire damage over 3 rounds

  • Beastmoon Blade (Storm): Apply a +50 flat damage blade

  • Beastmoon Shield (Ice): Apply a 50 flat damage absorb shield

  • Beastmoon Curse (Death): Apply a +50 flat damage trap

  • Beastmoon Boon (Myth): Give 1 pip

Unlocking Tiers requires Lunari, ++wins --losses)& Statues harvested via Moon Seeds. Craft Seeds at the Beastmoon Cultivator next to Actaeon. Plant in the 3 Pots won from playing. The first 2 planters are awarded quickly, the third is at 25 matches. Hasty Harvest is random award.

With 3 planters, during Events, plant 1 School & 2 reg seeds, Harvest around 100 Battle Coins

Harvest after you're fighting more than collecting Chests and need battle coins.

~Lunari can be used here to buy a 4 Tier Robe Recipe for each School. It's expensive. The 4th Robe is gold trim the 3rd Robe silver.

SIDE NOTE Use the Cultivator for Spiral Showcase Craft 5 Items prerequisite, easiest way to get 20 pts.

THIRD things 3rd.

~ Know the map, where your Team Mates are, & how many of the other Team are visible fighting. Be aware when time capturing by yourself if the other team arrives, don't get caught alone, hop off the circle.

~ When beginning a Match, depending on if you can hold them, get a feel for where the Pips Spawn and worry less about capturing a circle than getting your Pips filled up. You may have to run partially into the other Teams side, stealing pips they haven't gone for. Split up, go the way your team isn't going. It's ok to miss the first Capture, be there at the second capture with at least a pip. Into the Pit has a late pip on the side bridges leading to Spiral.

Map - Into The Pit

~ No Pip players such as Colossus and Cyclops should always at match start, since they can not hold pips, try to grab the available chests on their Teams side of the map. They need all the Zero Pip Cards they can get.

~ Getting pips is not as important as arriving to a fight early. If you don't have pips but someone just got into a 1vs1/2, rush to help them, forget pips unless they are near. Arriving a turn late can mean a lost fight unless the combo of Beasts is right. Often arriving late means you watch your team mate die right away and then face 2 opponents alone.

Unnamed New Map ( still titled Into the Pit)

~ This is meant to be a Team effort, but you are going to be Teamed up with all manner of players, some who will try directing you, some who will not know what the right direction is. Learn the Dynamics quickly and do what you think is right. Direct Team Members who are unsure of how to play patiently , which maybe where your research comes in. Try to forgive people who go AFK, much of the time it is something around the house calling their attention and it rarely happens on board.

~ Spiral does not open until half the points are accumulated(ish) If it opens be careful trying to time capture it, most people will start a fight there on instinct. Stand on the edge of it and keep looking at all entries for the other Team. Get off Spiral if you are alone and the other Team arrives, even if it's just 1, more may be right behind them.

~ When you've captured either Star or Eye the Portals change to your color & can be used for stacked Speed Boosting. Slow Beasts can Zoom across the map. Just go through them a few times to stack.

~ The Teleporter is often the quickest way from Moon to Sun and back in the Pit. If you had a fight on either & your Team is just beginning one on the other, take the Teleporter after getting Health. If you can not go back due to contested circle head towards the side and take the other teleporter.

~from Final Bastion, a Chat Tip: Hold Ctrl while running forward (holding W/Up arrow). Release the direction key first and Ctrl second. You will auto-run forward. Thus, you may type a message while running. ~ NOTE ABOUT FLEEING! Fleeing counts as a KO(for the other team albeit for nobody's actual board score, only the teams) awarding opposing team 2 points when the action occurs. Careful when fleeing if the score is near 100 for the other team!

~ Utility Utility Utility, can't stress this enough. When playing, think about the Beasts you're facing and what you have in your Deck and discard the right things, properly use utility, but be careful, at low level you do not have very many cards total.

~ Cut Throat Tip - If you win a Spiral or Eye/Star fight and the remaining players on the other team are on circles fighting also, rush to the other Teams base/side of the map and scoop up all Pips and Chests while they wait out timers.

~ Just because you can play a Spell does not mean you should. Sometimes it's better to hold out for more pips than to play the only thing you've got. Balance Cyclops is an example of this, so say you've got 3 pips and Scorpion ready, but you've also got Curse Eater, you need to decide if doing 125 on everyone or smacking one player for 300 are wha you would prefer, or is more wise.

~ Defensive players want to be first position. If I had to arrange all the Beasts in order I'm sure opinions would differ, from my experience Life should only start a fight when someone is with him and ready. He wants to be first so his Hots are effective. Colossus, Ice Krokomummy, Cyclops & both Wolfs have the same sort of preference so if you are with any of them, let them start fights.

~ Just because Drac is the Healer does not always make him the natural Target. Often since he is limited in deck, killing a hitter a couple of times is preferable to not killing the healer before a Team Mate dies. Often it is good to hit Drac first with a DOT so that he feels threatened, then move on.

~ Both Fairies(Death and Balance), Balance Wolf & Fire Elf have spells which let them give other players Pips. If you play these Beasts, remember which other Beasts have big Spells.

~ If you play Draconian and try to be the Healer, think more often about using the Resuscitate on the most valuable hitter instead of yourself. You may come back to life, but with only 1 pip and 150 health. A hitter can still hit with that. You may have only 0 pip hot heals in hand worth 75 health available to play.

Beastmoon Badges, Champion is for 250 Wins

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