Where's the Wizard101 Gold Farm?
Updated: Nov 22, 2019
Click here to go to the Wiki: Halfang Bristlecrown in Vestrilund, Wintertusk, Grizzleheim is the most renowned place in the Spiral to farm for Gear to sell for Gold. Not everyone knows what the benefits of farming him are; first, that Halfang is Undead and his Animus can be collected while farming(at a slight time increase), secondarily because Halfang drops a Monstrous TC every few fights, handy for they who prefer to carry Enchants in treasure. The highest valued drop is the Cows Pearl Amulet which sells at the Bazaar for 8000+ Gold.
The scope of this is the playing of Cards for a few hours with Halfang to fill a Bag with Inventory to sell. Once sold the earnings may add up to 1/3, 1/2 of your bank capacity(If you began with mostly only the essentials in your Bag)
If you want to collect Halfangs Animus you'll need the Collect Undead Animus Spell.
Also you'll need to be Leveled up in Monstrology to be allowed to collect this level Monster.
If you're looking to join other Wizards here don't expect them to be collecting Animus, few people do. Change to one of the top few busiest Realms and wait patiently outside until Wizards show up or are found to be coming out of the cave. Most players don't mind if you just hop on the Pad with them, but when you join other people, let them get on the Board first(unless you're Balance, Life or Death, Balance to play Blades, Life to play Heals{often people farm until they are low health}, and Death to play Feints) Most people farming will hit on either the first or second turn, so if you want to collect Animus you're going to have to work around that.
NOTE - Most people, hitting on the 1st or 2nd turn are using what's called a Speed Deck. That is a Deck reduced in size down to 7 Cards(or near as possible to) This puts all 7 of your Cards in your Hand on the first Turn. Here at Halfang Bristlecrown the NPCs are not too big so an Enchanted 5th Pip Deer Knight or 4th Pip Humungofrog(or similar spell)and high damage stats can do the job nicely. (The reason for the extra spells in this deck, the Bladestorm and trap, if the myth minions start with 4 pips i play the trap first, if I am supporting other hitters I use the Bladestorm)
The main thing you may come across in this Fight(When not being carried by near max level Wizards) is the Minions accumulating enough Pips to Earthquake. If this happens it may set you back a few Turns. The best strategy we have found is having two Wizards, both play 0 pip Blades for two turns and then hit with 4 or 7 Pip multi Spells enchanted with Collect Undead Animus. If one hitter is using a heavier Card than the other or will get boost on Halfang, they should go second. This helps to avoid the possibility of them Critical Hitting Halfang off the Board. Also, have a few Treasure Card hits in deck in case for some reason(such as Earthquake), damage is not enough.
To get there, start by going to Grizzleheim(Northguard), take a left turn at the rainbow bridge, get on the boat via the first platform on your left and poof you're in Wintertusk. Use the Teleporter to get into Hrundle Fjord and head towards the Census Sign and past the Coven Frostbeaks and Skoguls house into Vestrilund. Once there, take the Teleporter to Vestris Hall, go up the fallen tree to the upper level and the dungeon you find there at the back is Halfang.
Blake Dayshade